terça-feira, 5 de abril de 2011


Syl-la-bi-ca-tion is the di-vi-sion of words in-to syl-la-bles. When there isn't e-nough space for a word at the end of a line, it can be split up in-to small parts in a way that still main-tains its mean-ing. Most words in En-glish con-tain on-ly one syl-la-ble which can't be di-vid-ed in-to parts al-though Por-tu-guese speak-ers might find it pos-si-ble when com-par-ing En-glish to their moth-er tongue (change, clothes, dial, floor, hide etc).
To di-vide En-glish words cor-rect-ly, one must know how to point out pre-fix-es, su-ffix-es and roots of a word. Know-ing how to build words will cer-tain-ly help you to in-crease and en-rich your vo-cab-u-la-ry and your ex-pres-sion skills. You will ac-quire this knowl-edge through prac-tice and time and learning some con-cepts of mor-phol-o-gy. Con-se-quent-ly, you will al-so learn how to di-vide words in-to syl-la-bles. How-ev-er, as you can see in this chap-ter, syl-la-bi-ca-tion is not sim-ple and some-times doesn't e-ven make sense to us, Por-tu-guese speak-ers. It may look rath-er con-fus-ing for us to un-der-stand why we must di-vide "jeal-ous-y" and "sing-er" and "look-ing" and "need-ed" and "strong-er" like this. But here goes: words can-not be di-vid-ed in a way that the roots lose their mean-ings. If we were to di-vide "singer" like this, "sin-ger", "sin" has an-oth-er mean-ing and it has got noth-ing to do with "sing"; "stron-ger" also lose-s its mean-ing be-cause "strong" was the o-rig-i-nal word and "er" was add-ed to it, so "ger" is not a syl-la-ble of "stronger". In short, I ad-vise you not to use syl-la-bi-ca-tion of-ten to a-void such mis-takes.

Fonte: http://www.webartigos.com/articles/10435/1/Separacao-de-Silabas-em-Ingles/pagina1.html#ixzz1IeE86FsS